Preventive Care

At the heart of preventive care is a focus on doing all we can to ensure quality of life and longevity for our patients. These publications from AAHA, developed with the support of educational grants from IDEXX, will show you how to make preventive care a vital part of the services you offer.

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Strengthen your preventive care offerings

Preventive Care Strategies and Success

Amid adapting to curbside and virtual visits, staff shortages, and emotional burnout, previous preventive care strategies may seem outdated, time-consuming, or impractical. But, despite ongoing challenges, making room for preventive care is essential to ensuring longer, healthier pet lives and improved workplace efficiency. Shelter-in-place and work-from-home schedules have strengthened bonds between owners and pets, and led to a newfound desire to do more and do better with pet care. The clients are here. Now, how do you satisfy the rising need?

This booklet was supported by an educational grant from IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.


Preventive Care Protocols and Practice Economics

The human-animal bond is stronger than ever, and people are willing to invest in care for the feline and canine family members. But as other revenue streams like food and pharmacy sales shift online and low-cost competitors continue to crop up, veterinarians must look to find value in the services that only they can offer. This booklet explores how preventive care diagnostic testing, when priced strategically, is a win-win-win—for patients, clients, and practices. It also provides practical tips, pricing strategies, and case studies that can guide veterinary practices to success and greater financial stability.


This booklet was supported by an educational grant from IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.



Implementing Preventive Care Protocols

Preventive care is not a new concept, but implementing practice-wide protocols requires a systematic approach. Veterinary teams are already practicing some foundational forms of preventive care, such as annual physical exams and recommended vaccinations, but implementing an expanded set of preventive care protocols—including routine diagnostic screenings—can help practices care for patients and build even stronger client relationships. Our biggest stumbling blocks can be implementing new protocols and gaining client compliance. This publication will help you create and implement preventive care protocols, whether you’re starting fresh or honing existing offerings.

This booklet was supported by an educational grant from IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.


Promoting Preventive Care Protocols

Preventive care helps us focus on doing all we can to ensure quality of life and longevity for our patients. A small number of trailblazing practices have already adopted advanced preventive care protocols for pets of all ages. For others, now is an ideal time for preventive care to become an important focus of the medicine we provide to our patients and the service we provide to pet owners. This publication will show you how to make preventive care a vital part of the services you offer.


This booklet was supported by an educational grant from IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.


Canine lifestyle assessment form

This questionnaire for canine patients covers home care, travel, outdoor and home environments, and unusual behavior.

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Feline lifestyle assessment form

This questionnaire for feline patients covers home care, travel, outdoor and home environments, and unusual behavior.

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