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September 15, 2016

Offer your canine patients a unique treat: a dog art show

As fall approaches and thoughts turn to sponsoring a community event, you might consider stealing an idea from a recent canine art exhibit. MORE TH>N, a pet insurance company, commissioned British artist Dominic Wilcox to develop an art exhibit geared to a canine viewing audience. The result was Play More, a dog-specific exhibit that ran in London from Aug. 19-20.

July 28, 2016

Pets find celebrity status on social media

Pets that have amassed 30,000 followers on social media are finding a celebrity status that draws marketers to them, reported Priceonomics, a content marketing company. And it’s becoming big business. “People are much lonelier than they used to be,” Kurt Gray, PhD, at the University of North Carolina, told Priceonomics. “So what do they do? They get a pet, or if they can’t, maybe because of their landlord, they spend all their time on YouTube looking at other people’s pets acting human.”

July 21, 2016

Experience the Faroe Islands from a sheep’s view

If the hot days of summer have you longing for a cold faraway place like the Faroe Islands, located between Iceland and Norway, now you can visit at least virtually—from a sheep’s perspective. The people of Faroe Island, tired of waiting for Google to map their terrain, launched Sheep View 360, reported The Guardian on July 12.

June 09, 2016

Genetic sequencing of giraffe helps explain its long neck

How did the giraffe get so tall, and what’s with that long neck? A new study offers some clues. Researchers from Pennsylvania State University and the Nelson Mandela African Institute for Science and Technology in Tanzania have sequenced the genomes of the giraffe and the okapi of the African rainforest. The study identified the genetic changes that resulted in the evolution of the giraffe's exceptionally long neck and its rank as the world's tallest land species. The study was published in Nature Communications on May 17.

June 02, 2016

Dog film festival to premiere the summer

If you love films about all things canine and want to get out of the heat this summer, you and your pooch are in for a treat. The Dog Film Festival may be coming to a movie house near you. Dedicated to the memory of Joan Rivers, the Dog Film Festival will premiere in Los Angeles June 4-5, followed by appearances throughout the summer in movie houses across the United States. A list of locations is available on the Dog Film Festival website.

May 19, 2016

Top cat names for 2015 released

If you’ve noticed that new feline patients are increasingly appearing in your waiting room with human names, you’re observations are correct, according to a recent analysis. The top female cat names for 2015 match those of female babies born that same year, announced, a pet sitting and dog walking service that conducted the analysis. The results were released in April.

May 12, 2016

Canines on—and off—the job in selective airports

If you’ve planned a trip through Kenya and Tanzania this summer, you may notice a new kind of airport worker—the canine kind—and they’re not just sniffing for food or drugs. An elite team of eight canines has been employed to sniff out ivory at airports and ports in Kenya and Tanzania, reported National Geographic on April 27. And lest canine workers—and pets, including felines—need an airport bio break, at least in New York, relief is in sight thanks to the new pet potty that opened at Kennedy Airport the week of April 18, reported the New York Post.

April 28, 2016

Pets to be featured on postage stamps

America’s love affair with animals will now become official, thanks to a government stamp of approval in the form of the humble postage stamp. In May, the United States Postal Service (USPS) will be launching a series of Forever postage stamps, featuring photographs of 20 pets. The pet line-up includes puppies, betta fish, iguanas, hamsters, goldfish, parrots, guinea pigs, tortoises, rabbits, kittens, corn snakes, mice, hermit crabs, chinchillas, gerbils, dogs, parakeets, horses, cats, and geckos.

April 21, 2016

Ball dogs take center stage on the tennis court

As the days get warmer, thoughts often turn to playing outdoor sports. If one of those sports is tennis, you might consider borrowing an idea from the Brazil Open. Four shelter dogs got lucky recently. They were rescued from Sao Paulo slums and abandoned lots and trained as "ball dogs." The job? To catch balls for an exhibition tennis match at the Brazil Open, reported CNN.

March 24, 2016

Rabbits hop into the dating scene

There’s nothing worse than being a social creature and being alone. But for rabbits, a potential new trend may give them some relief. The Animal Care Centers of N.Y.C. shelter now offers “speed dating” for rabbits to help their owners help them find a companion for the lonely hours when no one is home, reported The New York Times on Feb. 5.

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