Employee of the Month, April 2023

Courtney Einecker, CVT, of 43rd Avenue Animal Hospital in Glendale, Arizona, is the April 2023 EOTM winner!

Courtney Einecker, CVT

Certified Veterinary Technician

43rd Avenue Animal Hospital
Glendale, Arizona

Started in veterinary medicine: 2018

Years with practice: 7

Nominated by: Stephanie Longbrake

Why Is Courtney So Awesome?

She’s very charismatic, kind, and always willing to help. She is a natural leader, even helping to educate clients so that they can be the best advocate for their pets. Courtney also always has a positive outlook on any situation.

How Does She Go Above and Beyond?

Anytime any of her coworkers need assistance, she jumps right in to help. She is considerate in little ways as well—like helping hold a patient while the parent weighs the sibling or helping a client to their car. She also always has something encouraging to say, not only when times are difficult but when she sees something awesome in those around her.

In Her Own Words

Why do you love your job?

As a CVT I get to wear many hats, and one of my favorite of those hats is being an investigator. It’s my job to ask the client probing questions in order to get a better view of my patient’s home life and any recent changes. That way I can work with the veterinarian to get to the bottom of the true cause of their symptoms. Our patients can’t speak for themselves, so it starts with me asking the right questions in order to give them a voice.

Each month AAHA spotlights, with generous support from CareCredit*, an AAHA member.

If you want to nominate someone, visit aaha.org/EOTM and they will be entered for a chance to win $500!!

See official rules here

Nominate your Employee of the Month at aaha.org/EOTM


*The Employee of the Month contest is administered by AAHA.

Pets at home:

I have an orange tabby cat named Alfie, named after Tom Hardy’s character on the Netflix show Peaky Blinders.

What brought you to the profession?

Ever since I could remember I have always loved animals! As a kid I used to watch Steve Irwin and Jeff Corwin on TV wanting to be just like them.

Hobbies outside of work:

I’m in a bowling league, and I love to travel and hike.

Photo courtesy of 43rd Avenue Animal Hospital



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