From the Editor

I love a good science roundup podcast. Perhaps you have thought about adding your own knowledge and voice to the sea of podcasts out there. Which brings us to our cover story, which poses the question: to pod or not to pod?

Could You, Should You?

Do you have a favorite podcast? I love a good science roundup podcast. A couple of my favorites are the Canadian Quirks and Quarks with Bob McDonald, and Startalk with Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Of course, I am also partial to our own Central Line: The AAHA Podcast, excerpts of which are regular features here in Trends. Perhaps you have thought about adding your own knowledge and voice to the sea of podcasts out there. Which brings us to our cover story, posing the question: to pod or not to pod?

Like every other burning question ever posed, the answer is “it depends.” But, don’t be discouraged, there is always room for more opinions and expert pet advice out there. Speaking of burning questions, another theme in this issue is dermatology. We have an article on facing the challenges of derm cases, an interview with the co-chair of the 2023 AAHA Management of Allergic Skin Diseases in Dogs and Cats Guidelines, Julia Miller, DVM, DACVD, as well as a few other hidden derm-related treasures in the following pages. Read on to scratch that itch for knowledge and wisdom!

Also in this issue is an article by technology superstar Caitlin DeWilde, DVM. She explores the use of artificial intelligence and how it can be utilized in vet med. But don’t be alarmed! Think less Skynet from Terminator and more J.A.R.V.I.S. from Marvel’s Iron Man movies.

Are You the Next Employee of the Month?

Head over to to nominate one of your co-workers for the Employee of the Month contest, and you could win $100 for yourself, and $400 for your nominee. The only catch? There is no catch, it’s free to enter, and you get free money!

Coming Next Month

In May, we’ll cover the topic of finance and its connection to wellbeing, as well as practice software and everyone’s favorite topic—lasers!

As always, let me know what you think at [email protected].

Ben Williams



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