How to use AI to create a veterinary content calendar

A content calendar makes your veterinary practice’s marketing strategy flow like clockwork—but who has the time to put it together? AI tools can fast track the process and help generate ideas for social media posts.

By Caitlin DeWilde

Developing and implementing a successful veterinary practice marketing strategy can mean managing dozens of social media posts as well as emails, print marketing materials, and website content, which can be overwhelming. And keeping it all going takes a fair amount of research, planning, and creativity.

A content calendar is the best way to organize your content across channels, stay on track with marketing goals, and make maximum use of your scheduling time. With the advent of AI tools like ChatGPT, the effort it takes to create and organize that content calendar is now drastically reduced. In addition to helping you organize your content into channels and a calendar/table format, it can also act as a springboard for ideas.

Identify your marketing must-haves 

When you’re ready to create a veterinary marketing content calendar using AI, start by making a list of your key marketing focus points and standard must-haves. Think about posts or emails that drive appointments and reviews, encourage job applications, promote practice services, and advise of any upcoming changes to hours.

Using AI, you might ask questions like:

  • What holidays and pet-related awareness events are happening this month? 
  • What services would we like to promote?
  • What else do we want to call attention to (e.g., job openings, planned closures)?

Work ahead

Many practices will find success by creating a content calendar for at least a month at a time and the bulk of the content can be created and scheduled before the month even begins. By doing this, you’ve met goals of promoting the practice, educating clients, and having a consistent appearance on social media. You’ve also freed up the marketing team for other tasks and left space for candid photos and shareables as they happen.

How to prompt ChatGPT to make a content calendar 

If you’re ready to try it out, start by telling ChatGPT about your practice. Enter basics like the practice’s name and location, as well as specifics about why you’re using marketing, including:

  • What channels you use (Facebook, Instagram, email, web content)
  • Information about your intended audience (e.g., dog and cat owners within 10 miles)
  • What you’re looking to achieve (e.g., increase forward-booking dental appointments)

Next, let ChatGPT know that you want it to create a content calendar for the next month. Tell it to incorporate your practice’s must-haves, such as:

  • One post a week that encourages clients to book an appointment
  • One post a month about job openings
  • One post a month sharing a recent positive review 

If you’re struggling with other ideas on content, let it know how many posts, emails, and website pieces you would like. Now, sit back and let it do the rest.

Sample content calendar AI prompt

Here’s an example of a prompt asking ChatGPT to create a veterinary practice content calendar:

I am marketing a small animal veterinary practice in suburban Chicago. We use Facebook, Instagram, email, and our website to promote our practice. Our target audience is dog and cat owners within a 10-mile radius of our practice. We use marketing to drive appointments, educate pet owners on health topics, and build loyalty between our clientele and team. I would like to create a content calendar for all of our content for March 2024. I’d like to include a weekly social media post to encourage clients to book an appointment. I’d like to share a positive review once a month and a job opening once a month, but otherwise I am open to ideas. Please generate this content calendar in table form and include daily social media content, twice monthly emails, and one blog post. 

Feb24-DeWilde-Content calendar-ChatGPT-Mar1-9 calendar-screenshot.jpgFeb24-DeWilde-Content calendar-ChatGPT-Mar10-19 calendar-screenshot.jpgFeb24-DeWilde-Content calendar-ChatGPT-Mar20-30 calendar-screenshot.jpgFeb24-DeWilde-Content calendar-ChatGPT-Mar27-31 calendar-screenshot.png

Editing your AI-generated content calendar

Once AI generates a draft of your content calendar, review it closely for accuracy and relevance. Don’t be afraid to give the AI tool feedback or additional details such as:

  • Please update the calendar to include an infographic or resource on Poison Prevention Week. 
  • It will keep revising based on your directions, so don’t be shy!

Keeping up your content calendar

To continue getting the advantages of a content calendar, you’ll have to keep working ahead. But maintaining a consistent marketing presence is worth it. When the inevitable emergency comes in during my “social media time” at the clinic or I unexpectedly get sick, I know our marketing channels are covered. When you’re ready to try AI tools, this framework can be used to plan and schedule your multi-channel content more efficiently and effectively.

Caitlin DeWilde, DVM, is the founder of The Social DVM, a consulting firm helping veterinary professionals learn how to manage and grow their social media, online reputation, and marketing strategies. She earned her DVM from the University of Illinois and is a recipient of their Outstanding Young Alumni Award. Before stepping back to focus on her marketing passion, she served as medical director for a large hospital in St. Louis. Today, she divides her time between practice, consulting, and writing. She is the author of the Social Media and Marketing for Veterinary Professionals textbook and a columnist for Today’s Veterinary Business.

Photo credit: © Alisa Zahoruiko E+ via Getty Images Plus

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