Stuck on social captions? Let AI be your springboard

When faced with another month of social media posts to write, artificial intelligence (AI) tools can be a springboard for ideas and a place to start—but the human review is crucial.

By Caitlin DeWilde

Coming up with creative and engaging social media captions can be a challenging endeavor at times. AI tools like ChatGPT can help ensure your content is fresh, varied, and often, more efficiently generated.  

ChatGPT (and other AI tools) are natural language processors, meaning they can answer prompts and questions in human-like format. This free service (paid levels do exist but are not needed for this task) can also understand requests for tone (professional versus humorous), intended audience, and even use of relevant emojis and hashtags.  

Example prompts for AI-generated social media posts 

Stuck on finding a creative way to caption yet another cute puppy picture? Try a prompt like this:  

“I need a social media caption for a cute puppy picture for our veterinary practice. His name was Lucky and it was his first visit.”  

ChatGPT answers:  

“Meet Lucky, our newest furry friend on his first vet visit! 🐾 With paws this tiny and a heart this big, he’s already stolen ours. Here’s to beginning a journey of health and happiness together! 🐶💕 #PuppyLove #FirstVetVisit”  

Any time you’re working with an AI generator, remember that if you’re not happy with the result, you can ask for another option or give it more information to improve what it’s giving you.  

To update the prompt, you could say:  

“Can you tailor that to include relevant hashtags for Chicago-area dogs?”  

ChatGPT adjusts it to:  

Say hello to Lucky, Chicago’s cutest new pup on his very first vet adventure! 🐾 Tiny paws, big heart, and a whole city to explore. We’re thrilled to be part of his journey to a healthy, happy life. 🐶💕 #ChicagoDogs #WindyCityPaws #LuckyInChicago #FirstVetVisit #ChiTownPuppies  

AI as a social media springboard 

You may even be surprised that ChatGPT can help you come up with content for your social media posts. For instance, when sharing an update about an upcoming holiday, ask ChatGPT to come up with a list of helpful pet tips for the caption—transforming your post from an unengaging graphic to a substantive list of helpful reminders or insights that provides pet owners with real value.  

Similarly, not sure what to say when sharing a recent great review? Copy and paste it into ChatGPT and ask for suggestions. (Remind the AI tool that the point of sharing is to drive additional reviews, so include your practice’s review URL!).   

Repurposing content with AI 

Not only can ChatGPT generate content from scratch based on your prompt, but it can also help repurpose existing content. For instance, if you have a job listing on your website and want to make it more social-media friendly, or a blog post that would be an excellent educational social post, ChatGPT can edit it faster than you can speak it, in many cases!  

Try prompts like:  

  • Can you shorten this job listing to a social media caption? 
  • Can you convert this employee’s bio into a social media caption?  
  • Can you summarize this blog’s key health tips into a social media caption? 

Always review AI posts  

Remember that, while ChatGPT can be helpful to move through your task list and get more captions done with more variation, anything AI writes for you still needs to be reviewed. ChatGPT can deliver lightning-quick outputs, but will never replace a team member’s ability to innately know what their clients need and want. Read everything, trust nothing—but use AI tools to help you get more done in less time.  


Caitlin DeWilde, DVM, is the founder of The Social DVM, a consulting firm helping veterinary professionals learn how to manage and grow their social media, online reputation, and marketing strategies. She earned her DVM from the University of Illinois and is a recipient of their Outstanding Young Alumni Award. Before stepping back to focus on her marketing passion, she served as medical director for a large hospital in St. Louis. Today, she divides her time between practice, consulting, and writing. She is the author of the “Social Media and Marketing for Veterinary Professionals” textbook and a columnist for Today’s Veterinary Business. 

Photo credit: © DrAfter123  E+ via Getty Images Plus 

Disclaimer: The views expressed, and topics discussed, in any NEWStat column or article are intended to inform, educate, or entertain, and do not represent an official position by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) or its Board of Directors. 



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