Become a Research Sponsor

Your research needs + AAHA

There are many ways to develop strategic direction, identify problems, and reach solutions. Approaching answers with data gained through research is one of the most critical.

Learn more about AAHA research packages below, or reach out to us to discuss a custom project.

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Entry-level packages

Pulse Research Package

Pulse Research Package

Description: This is a research, analysis, and reporting project to discover the current market position relative to one subject, topic, or concept of interest to the sponsor and AAHA.

Process: This is usually an AAHA-branded online survey of finite length (such as six closed-ended questions and one open-ended question). The target number of respondents is 100.

Output: Results may be kept by the sponsor for internal use or published as co-branded content. AAHA retains the right to use results in AAHA’s own content and publications, within context, such as Trends magazine or NEWStat. Co-branded publishing may include an article, infographic, or callout in Trends magazine, and/or on or another content-access or media channel.

Optimum Research Package

Optimum Research Package

Description: This is an entry-level package with a statistically significant (95% +/–5%) sample size suitable for publications outside of AAHA and the sponsor’s own channels. Statistical significance is often required by outside publications because they cannot interpret or audit resultson their own. It is their guarantee of accuracy, alleviating their need for professional expertise or understanding. This sample size may be as large as 400 respondents, and usually requires more extensive statistical analysis than typical Pulse Research data, because of the inevitable presence of multiple respondent segments with statistical value.

Process: This is an AAHA-branded online survey of finite length (such as six closed-ended questions and one open-ended question). The target number of respondents could be as high as 400.

Output: Due to statistical segments, results are sometimes relatively voluminous, and are most often designed for press releases, internal use by the sponsor, andother AAHA and sponsor communications and promotional channels, as above.

AAHA Veterinary Outlook Survey

The AAHA Veterinary Outlook Survey is research commissioned by the American Animal Hospital Association on a quarterly basis to ask veterinary practice owners, managers, and team members what’s over the horizon for their practices.

It focuses on emerging needs for the future, and detects environmental changes, challenges or opportunities which inform thought leadership, strategic development, and what’s “over the horizon”. The outward-facing forecast-centered nature of this survey makes it a good resource for content development and publication.

Role distribution:

  • Veterinarian owner (29%) 
  • Associate veterinarian (17%) 
  • Credentialed technician (15%) 
  • Practice managers (12%)

Premium packages

Thought Leadership Package

Thought Leadership Package

Description: This is a multiphased research, analysis, reporting, and content development project which seeks to establish “ownership” of a subject, topic, or concept of interest to both the sponsor and AAHA.

Process: This is usually an AAHA-branded multiphased process, possibly using various research methodologies, conducted over six to 12 months.

The goal is to either . . . 

  • to develop a full understanding of a single subject, topic, or concept through a progressive series of
    studies, or 
  • to measure various quantitative and qualitative metrics relating to a subject, topic, or concept over timeto understand the trajectory and velocity of change in the marketplace.

Output: Results are communicated as co-branded content in print and online using webinars, the Connexity conference, and various other channels available to AAHA. The sponsor is provided with promotional placements such as project-related mentions and references in Trends; branding at Connexity and within related web content; and possibly one or more advertising opportunities. This package may combine project- and nonproject-related promotional opportunities for the sponsor.

This thought-leadership and brand-development package is for both the sponsor and AAHA.

Partner Research Package

Partner Research Package

Description: This is a pre-sale bundle of Pulse Research packages sold at a discount. Typically, it is sold as three or more packages that may or may not be aligned by subject, topic, or concept.

Process: Individual entry-level packages are bundled together for simultaneous or sequential execution. The target number of respondents is 100 per package within the bundle.

Output: Results are usually reported separately but can be combined.
The main distinction of this bundle is that it is big, yet affordable. Results may be combined for a more robust understanding of findings, but the methodologies are usually not exotic, and statistical analysis is usually straightforward.

Ready to get started?

Have a research need that you’re ready to kick off with us? Complete our short project request form below to get started. A team member will be in touch with you shortly.

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