Identifying and Addressing the Mentee’s Professional Concerns and Fears

Typical Questions, Concerns, or Fears (Use as a Basis for Discussion of Goals)

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Effective time management at work
How often are appointments scheduled?
What if I am too slow seeing appointments, obtaining a history, or performing a diagnostic or medical treatment?
How much time do I have to perform surgeries?
How can I provide timely and efficient treatments for patients while ensuring thorough, quality care?
What do I do if I need more time to perform a task?
How can I be more efficient with my paperwork?
How often are appointments scheduled?
What if I am too slow seeing appointments, obtaining a history, or performing a diagnostic or medical treatment?
How much time do I have to perform surgeries?
How can I provide timely and efficient treatments for patients while ensuring thorough, quality care?
What do I do if I need more time to perform a task?
How can I be more efficient with my paperwork?
Client relations issues
How do I deal with difficult client interactions, such as clients in a fee dispute, clients who refuse my recommendations, or clients who leave me a bad review?
What if my looks, age, or title/position play a role in client questions about education, experience, or competence?
What if a client makes a biased or derogatory comment about me or a colleague? How do I take a professional and principled approach to that when communicating with clients?
What can I do to support a client who cannot afford my recommendations?
How do I best communicate with clients to encourage compliance?
How can I most thoughtfully communicate serious medical concerns with clients?
How can I support clients in an affective emotional state, for example, if their pet has a serious medical issue or chronic illness?
What if my recommendation for palliative care or euthanasia is not accepted by the client and I believe the patient is suffering?
What do I do if I believe a patient’s wellbeing is at risk from neglect or abuse?
How do I deal with difficult client interactions, such as clients in a fee dispute, clients who refuse my recommendations, or clients who leave me a bad review?
What if my looks, age, or title/position play a role in client questions about education, experience, or competence?
What if a client makes a biased or derogatory comment about me or a colleague? How do I take a professional and principled approach to that when communicating with clients?
What can I do to support a client who cannot afford my recommendations?
How do I best communicate with clients to encourage compliance?
How can I most thoughtfully communicate serious medical concerns with clients?
How can I support clients in an affective emotional state, for example, if their pet has a serious medical issue or chronic illness?
What if my recommendation for palliative care or euthanasia is not accepted by the client and I believe the patient is suffering?
What do I do if I believe a patient’s wellbeing is at risk from neglect or abuse?
Personal issues
How can I manage debt or a low salary?
How can I balance work and family?
What can I do if I do not have enough time for my family?
What do I do if I need an accommodation and it is refused?
How do I notice, prevent, and manage burnout or challenging ethical situations?
What do I do if a hospital policy goes against my personal values or ethics?
Team or hospital issues
How do I develop trust and rapport with my colleagues and clients?
What if I disagree with hospital policy, and how can I make my concerns heard?
How do I learn to get along with the practice team?
How do I address a difficult relationship with a long-standing team member?
What if I am not getting along with the practice owner or manager?
What if I have an ethical concern about a colleague’s behavior toward a patient?
What if I experience bullying or isolation/exclusion by a colleague or someone in a position above mine?
What can I do if I hear a colleague make a disrespectful remark about another colleague, or I am asked to engage in gossip?
How can I best support a colleague who is struggling with their mental health or negative team dynamics?
How can I best advocate for myself, my community, colleagues, clients and patients, and for improvements in process, pay, or policy?
How can I leverage my social privilege or position to support colleagues whose concerns or ideas are not being heard or whose needs are not being met?
What are some actions I can take to positively influence workplace culture?
Proficiency issues
How do I manage doubt and stress as a practitioner?
How can I increase my confidence in my skills and knowledge?
Will I be by myself? If so, when?
Will someone be available by phone when I am by myself?
How will I learn to perform new surgical procedures or treatments?
What if something bad happens during anesthesia?
What do I do if I make a medical or surgical error?
How do I handle the unexpected loss of a patient?
How do I admit I do not know something without feeling like a failure or like I am not good enough?
I am interested in eventually owning my own veterinary hospital. What do I need to know?

The 2023 AAHA Mentoring Guidelines are generously supported by Chewy Health and Merck.


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