About AAHA

Our Purpose

The American Animal Hospital Association simplifies the journey toward excellence for veterinary practices.

This core purpose, or just cause, guides everything we do, ensuring our time, resources, and expertise are dedicated to supporting your success.

Our Values

Simplicity: We believe in working smarter, not harder. We eliminate unnecessary complexity and embrace innovative solutions to streamline your journey to excellence.

Integrity: We stand by our word. We strive for clear communication, deliver on promises, and build a foundation of trust and accountability.

Collaboration: We believe in “we” before “me.” We foster active collaboration and leverage diverse backgrounds, experiences, and expertise to create better solutions rooted in empathy.

Three green icons depicting Simplicity, Integrity, and Collaboration

How We Put Our Values into Action

Simplification: We’re investing in upgrading our infrastructure over the next few years to create a more efficient and sustainable organization. This ensures we can continue to deliver on our promises.

Integrity: We recognize the expertise of our team members. We’re developing online, competency-based certificates to showcase your skills and empower your career growth.

Collaboration: We’ve launched AAHA Community, an online platform with advanced features for connecting, sharing knowledge, and collaborating with other AAHA members.

Join us on the journey to excellence. Together, we can simplify veterinary care and create a better future for pets and their families.

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