Achieving AAHA Accreditation

A Milestone in Your Path to Success


What happens after you attain accreditation?

When you achieve AAHA accreditation, you’ve put a spotlight on your commitment to exceeding industry standards and delivering exceptional patient care.

What’s Next?

  • Celebrate: Acknowledge your success and celebrate with your team. This shared experience fosters team spirit and reinforces striving for excellence. Share your celebration with us!
  • Showcase your achievement: Display your digital badge on your website, marketing materials, and signage. Share your accomplishments with the community through press releases and social media.
  • Embrace continuous improvement: Utilize the evaluation summary and resources to identify areas for improvement. Set goals and collaborate with your dedicated AAHA team to implement action plans.
  • Formalize your commitment: Sign the licensing agreement and adhere to AAHA standards. Display the official “AAHA-accredited practice” logo with pride. Need a logo? Contact us.
  • Share your accreditation: Update your website, social media, and other materials to reflect your accredited status. Inform your clients and colleagues about this achievement.
  • Update team member list: Ensure everyone accesses valuable resources like education discounts, the Trends® magazine, and news updates by logging into your AAHA member account and updating your team list. Make sure your entire team knows about the AAHA resources they can access.
  • Boost your practice with AAHA Advantage®: Consider enrolling in this unique program offering discounts and rebates that directly benefit your practice – AAHA takes nothing off the top.

Maintaining Accreditation

Annual dues ensure your continued membership and access to the numerous benefits associated with being an AAHA-accredited practice. Re-evaluation occurs every few years to confirm your adherence to high standards.

Contact the accreditation team with questions.
