AAHA Amplify for Corporate Hospital Groups Increases ROI

AAHA Amplify is a cohort model primarily for traditional, full-service hospitals or practices within corporate veterinary enterprise groups seeking AAHA accreditation. The cohort model helps veterinary practices build stronger teams and achieve better care and more return on investment.

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Amplify your Business with Accreditation 

The AAHA Amplify Corporate Hospitals cohort accreditation process builds a positive, strong employee culture focused on quality client service and patient care. In addition, compared to non-accredited practices, AAHA-accredited practices have demonstrably better business results :

  • Fewer lapsed patients.*
  • 32% more new customers per year.*
  • Clients who choose more care.*
  • Higher customer loyalty and retention.*
  • Better staff utilization.**
  • 41% more annual revenue.**

*Commissioned Practice Analysis| VetSuccess, 2019.
**Financial and Productivity Pulsepoints, 10th Edition | AAHA Press.

AAHA Accreditation Means Excellence

For over 90 years, the AAHA accreditation process has helped thousands of companion animal hospitals improve their practices. As a corporation joining our Amplify program, AAHA accreditation signifies that your veterinary practices have met or exceeded the AAHA Standards of Accreditation, which encompass all aspects of veterinary medicine, from pain management to medical record-keeping, and have committed to a path of continuous improvement.

Why is this important? AAHA accreditation demonstrates that your veterinary hospitals are committed to

  • meeting a higher standard of care
  • delivering quality medicine
  • positively impacting clients, patients, and teams

The team-building, training, and standardization of protocols used in your hospitals raise the bar for the entire veterinary profession. Additionally, AAHA-accredited hospitals are sought after by exceptional veterinary students, veterinary technicians, practice managers, and veterinarians who appreciate the working environment that develops during the process.

Take the Next Step

As an AAHA-accredited practice, you can rest assured that your entire team always adheres to credible, trusted veterinary standards. Your written protocols will be based on AAHA standards and guidelines: evidence-guided best practices — and ease training new team members. This is even more critical given today’s staff shortages and high turnover. And, post-accreditation, your team will have access to AAHA practice consultants to assist them with any challenges they may encounter. 

Download the AAHA Amplify program brochure, review the Amplify practice selection checklist, then email us to learn how accreditation and the many benefits of AAHA accreditation will help your hospital or organization on its journey toward excellence. 

Contact Us to Get Started


What is the AAHA Amplify model?

AAHA Amplify provides live, instructor-led virtual sessions for groups of 8 to 12 veterinary practices during weekly or biweekly meetings. During each meeting, the module covers specific AAHA standards.

How do I get started?

An AAHA Amplify cohort is initiated by the hospital system’s corporate headquarters. Once a contract is signed, AAHA helps each corporate group select which practices will participate in cohorts.

The cohort members complete a pre-qualifying assessment to confirm their readiness for accreditation, and then launch into a series of virtual modules each covering specific AAHA standards.

Upon completion of the modules, an AAHA practice consultant will conduct a practice evaluation to finalize the accreditation process.

What benefits does my team receive?  

In addition to the business benefits, your whole team enjoys these benefits and more:

  • Free subscription to Trends® magazine – focused on practice management
  • Free subscription to JAAHA®– the journal of the American Animal Hospital Association
  • Reduced pricing on all education and store products
  • Free membership in the Human Animal Bond Association
  • Free RACE-approved training
  • Free shipping on store products
  • Access to our group purchasing program, AAHA Advantage®

And so much more.

Has your corporate office asked you to become part of AAHA Amplify? 