Virtual evaluations

To best support your virtual evaluation, we will need to make some logistical changes to how we typically perform evaluations.

Some items we request you have available for a virtual evaluation are:

  1. A charged laptop, tablet, phone that you can use to walk around the practice; we also recommend having a charger readily available
  2. A desktop with access to your digital records and radiology images

If neither of these is feasible, there are other options we can discuss.

Digital document submission

We have found that it is more efficient to review your policies, procedures, and written documents prior to your evaluation; this also allows us to spend your valuable evaluation time more productively. To achieve this, AAHA developed a digital document repository that enables you to directly upload the necessary evaluation documentation in advance—learn more about it here.

While our document repository is the quickest and simplest way to submit your evaluation documentation, you also have the option of submitting it electronically; other tools and platforms for sharing documents include compressed zip files, Google Docs, and Dropbox.

The following is a list of documents to submit prior to your evaluation:

  • Employee manual/policies and procedures handbook (re: standard HR05n)
  • Job descriptions (re: standard HR05a)
  • SOPs/protocols (re: various standards)
  • X-ray machine calibration/safety inspection (within the last 5 years) (re: standard MA17.1)
  • Documented safety training (documentation of radiation safety training is required to meet standard MA48)
  • Continuing education summary of hours completed for the entire team from the last 12 months (see the Continuing Education standards)
  • Documented culture initiative focusing on team wellness (re: standard PL01.2)

If you are unable to utilize our digital document repository, the following tips provide guidance regarding other options for electronic document submission; please utilize the option that works best for you, and reach out to us at [email protected] with any questions:

  1. How to zip/compress files for Windows:

    1. Locate the file or folder that you want to zip.
    2. Press and hold (or right-click) the file or folder, select (or point to) Send to, and then select Compressed (zipped) folder.
    3. A new zipped folder with the same name is created in the same location. To rename it, press and hold (or right-click) the folder, select Rename, and then type the new name.
    4. Open a new email and email your information to your practice consultant (find them here) by clicking on “Attach file” within the email message and then selecting the zipped file or folder to send
  2. How to zip/compress files for Mac:
  3. How to share a Google Doc:
  4. How to share files/folders via Dropbox:
As always, contact your Member Experience representative with any questions you have about evaluations. Join the AAHA Community for more great peer support, tips, and advice.

