Peter Weinstein, DVM, MBA, on the future of vet med and what to expect at AAHA Con

With nearly 40 years in vet med, Peter Weinstein, DVM, MBA, may already have a lifetime achievement award, but that’s not the only reason he’s celebrating as he envisions a profession that is far less doctor-centered, and more about the patient, client, and team.

By Kristen Green Seymour

“Tell me about your pets.” 

He’s a household name within the veterinary community and has worked in just about every aspect of vet med imaginable, from a teenage kennel kid to hospital owner and renowned speaker. He’s got a popular podcast, he’s a published author, and he just received a California Veterinary Medical Association Lifetime Achievement Award 

But Peter Weinstein, DVM, MBA, starts off his interview by asking about the interviewer’s pets—which, as it turns out, is a pretty good indication of who he is at his core. 

Weinstein has been in full-on celebration mode as of late, not necessarily because of his own recent award, but because his daughter, Brooke, just became the newest DVM in the family, and, as he said, having one’s offspring follow in your footsteps means you did something right.  

“Whether it was not pushing too hard, whether it was setting a good example, whether it was just being given opportunities to work with animals, I think there’s just a tremendous amount of pride and happiness to see that she’s followed a similar path to where I am,” he said. “I look forward to seeing the direction she hits going forward, because it won’t be the same. And it will be what she wants, with my support.” 

Still, his lifetime achievement award deserves acknowledgement, right? “With respect to the lifetime part, yeah, I get that. I’ve been around a while,” he said, shrugging. “The achievement part? I think that, when you just do what you do, and you don’t think about what you’re doing—when you’re not looking for anything more than to set forth in the right direction and make a difference—you don’t recognize what you’ve done,” he said.  

“I’ve been involved with veterinary medicine at a variety of levels for 37 years and have had a tremendous number of leadership roles, and I think all I did was try to make the profession better for the next generation.” 

Envisioning a brighter future for vet med 

Now, of course, he has an especially vested interest in that better future with his daughter entering the field. But what, exactly, does that look like to Weinstein? 

It begins with retention.  

“Greater retention of our doctors within the profession, greater retention of our staff within the profession,” he said. “Work environments that are fun and supportive, that help to grow people into having careers in veterinary medicine—not just jobs—and that allow us to do the best we can for our clients, for our patients, and not forgetting about the teams that help us to get there.” 

Achieving that requires a hard look at how we’re delivering veterinary medicine, he said, including identifying what the stressors are and finding solutions.  

And to get that hard look, leaders must be willing to take a step back for a fuller view.  

“To steal a quote from one of my mentors and co-author [of the E-Myth Veterinarian], Michael Gerber, ‘We need to work on our business more than in our business,’” he said. “We’re so busy at times doing what we do as a doctor, that we don’t recognize the diseases that are going on around us, even within our own business.”  

Identifying the issues and solutions is one thing, but another challenge he sees is weakness in communication at every level, from organized veterinary medicine and state boards and colleges to practices themselves.  

“It’s paramount for us to be much more transparent in our communication at all levels, but especially within our businesses,” he said. 

Weinstein also believes veterinary professionals need to recognize the shift the industry has undergone and make adjustments accordingly.  

“Veterinary medicine has moved from the time when we were a healthcare provider to a time when we’re a service industry that provides healthcare,” he said. “I think we have to recalibrate our profession to put a client-centric lien on things. Healthcare will be a part of it, but I think we need to look at ourselves as a service industry because we compete for the discretionary dollars.” 

Focusing on the client, Weinstein asserted, is good for pets and profits. “The more we look at giving you, as a pet owner, an experience, the more you’re likely to come back and provide the care that’s necessary for your pets,” he said.  

“But if we continue to be a very doctor-centric business model, will we be able to give the [pet owners] of the world the value proposition they’re looking for?” 

“The future of veterinary medicine should . . . move away from what has been doctor-centric healthcare delivery so that everybody is heard. Everybody has a voice, everybody can solve a problem—which means everybody needs to know what the problems are and have some solutions,” he said.  

“So I focus on delivering a team-based approach to healthcare, through the client, through the patient. And everybody can be heard, everybody can be seen, and everybody can contribute.” 

While there are certain to be plenty of helpful takeaways and intriguing insights, Weinstein insists that he really doesn’t want to blow any minds with his lectures.  

“I really want to point out to them what they do well, and recognize that they can do things better,” he said. “I don’t think we need radical change. I think we need change.” Baby steps are the best way to a sustainable outcome, he said, because making too many radical changes is where resistance arises.  

“All I want to do is get them to think about things a little bit differently. I want them to just move forward instead of moving backwards. I want them to stop fighting change and start embracing change.”  

And, if you attend one of his sessions or see him in the hallway, don’t be a stranger. 

“This is a very small profession, and I think it’s important to understand that most of us who are up there speaking are there to help everybody else become more successful,” he said. “There’s enough business out there for everybody who’s in the audience, and there’s enough business out there for everybody who’s speaking. If we all become successful, we will all be successful.” 

Sure, you can check out Peter and Phil’s Courageous Conversations podcast, you can read the book he co-authored with Michael Gerber, and you learn more about him on LinkedIn if you want. But most of all, he said, “Come up, listen to me speak, and engage with me afterward,” he said.

Photo courtesy of Peter Weinstein

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