Recent survey finds positive shift in perception of pet insurance in veterinary practices

Pawlicy Advisor conducted a survey in conjunction with AAHA to research the perception of pet insurance among veterinary professionals. The data reveals vet teams overwhelmingly believe that pet insurance has a number of benefits,

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Pawlicy Advisor conducted a survey in conjunction with AAHA to research the perception of pet insurance among veterinary professionals. Respondents were asked to state the degree to which they agreed with a series of statements. The data reveals vet teams overwhelmingly believe that pet insurance has a number of benefits, including: 

Facilitates better patient care. 

92% of veterinary professionals agree that pet insurance can help ensure that clients are able to say “yes” to more care and provide their pets with the best possible care. This is because pet insurance removes the financial barrier to care, allowing pet owners to make decisions based on what is best for their pet’s health, rather than their budget. 

Reduces stress. 

89% believe pet insurance can help to reduce the stress and anxiety that clients may feel about the cost of veterinary care. This is because pet insurance provides financial peace of mind, knowing that they will be covered if their pet needs expensive care. This can create a more positive and relaxed atmosphere for both the clients and the veterinary team. 

Promotes practice growth. 

Vet teams agree that pet insurance can help promote practice growth by improving client satisfaction and loyalty. Clients who have a good experience with pet insurance are more likely to recommend their veterinarian to others, which can lead to increased business. 

Is important to veterinary medicine. 

Veterinary professionals increasingly view pet insurance as an important component of comprehensive veterinary care. This is because they recognize the benefits that pet insurance can provide to both their clients and their practices. 

Is perceived positively and discussed frequently. 

Pet insurance is now viewed as a positive element by 56% of veterinary professionals. This is reflected in the fact that many clinics now talk about pet insurance with their clients on a regular basis, with 42% of respondents saying they discuss it often or very often. 

Overall, the survey results show that veterinary professionals are increasingly aware of the beneficial impact of pet insurance within the vet practice and are recommending it to clients more often. For more information about this data and to learn how Pawlicy Advisor helps vet teams save time while delivering better care to more patients, visit 

Disclaimer: The views expressed, and topics discussed, in any NEWStat column or article are intended to inform, educate, or entertain, and do not represent an official position by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) or its Board of Directors. 



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