Employee of the Month, May 2024

This month’s prize winner is Andie Corcoran, Lead Veterinary Assistant at Pet Care Clinic – Kuna, in Kuna, Idaho!

Andie Corcoran
Lead Veterinary Assistant

Pet Care Clinic Kuna, Kuna, Idaho

Year started in vet medicine: 2017
Years with practice: 3
Nominated by: Kristen Britton, DVM

Why is Andie so awesome?

She looks for solutions rather than dwelling on problems. She consistently pushes to make processes better for the practice, co-workers, and clients to better serve pets. She has been working towards her CVT one class at a time while working full time to reach her goals.

How does she go above and beyond?

She “brings it” daily! She consistently goes above and beyond for our clients, pets, and team providing great care, options, empathy, and enthusiasm. In addition, she embraces diversity as a member of the LGBTQ+ community by serving in the local NOMV chapter. I am so proud to work with Andie and have her lead our team!

In their own words:

Why do you love your job:
I love being able to advocate for those without voices and provide care to those who need it.

Pets at home:
Sophie, a cat beloved by all the roommates.

What brought you to the profession:
Food service and teaching weren’t nearly as fun as working with animals and other like-minded people.

Hobbies outside of work:
Crocheting, puzzling.

Favorite Celebrities:
Christopher Meloni and Mariska Hargitay

Favorite TV show:
Law and Order: SVU

Photo courtesy of Pet Care Clinic Kuna

Nominate your employee of the month

Each month in Trends, we will spotlight a team member from an accredited practice. Does your team boast an outstanding veterinarian, veterinary technician, veterinary assistant, customer service representative, or kennel worker? Nominate your employee at aaha.org/EOTM, and you and your employee can win $500 in gift cards courtesy of CareCredit!*

*The Employee of the Month contest is administered by AAHA.

Nominate Now

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