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Implementation toolkit

2016 AAHA/IAAHPC End-of-Life Care Guidelines for Dogs and Cats Implementation Toolkit Booklet

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EOLC Implementation Toolkit

Quiet Sign

A poster to let staff and clients know when someone is saying goodbye to their pet.

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Quiet sign

Palliative Care Flyer

Take the Palliative Care Certificate Program on AAHA | Learning. The program is open to all members of the veterinary team.

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Palliative Care Flyer

Handling Your Pet’s Body After Death

A form outlining the options you can provide to your clients at the end of their pet’s life.

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Body Care Form

Hospice Intake Questionnaire

Gather information on the beliefs and plans of pet owners interested in creating end-of-life care plans for their pets.

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Hospice Intake Form

Implementing Your Pet’s Palliative or End-of-Life Care Plan

Ensure everyone knows what the end-of-life care plan is. This form allows you to plan for visits, medication, modifications, and pet care.

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Implementing Worksheet
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