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For veterinary teams

Dental discharge template
Streamline the end of your busy day and increase compliance by using AAHA’s time-saving, customizable, printable discharge instructions.
Or, order Dental discharge instructions forms.

Preventing iatrogenic anesthetic complications
Nothing is more heart-wrenching than medical mistakes that injure a pet. Anesthetic events are complicated enough. Here are simple ways to prevent common anesthetic-related injuries that will benefit your team and your patients.

Roles and responsibilities for veterinary teams 
Veterinarians rely heavily on their entire team to provide outstanding dental care. But there are limits to what everyone can and should do. Check out these links to learn how to be efficient AND stay within the legal boundaries of practice.

Dental records
Record and organize the results of dental examinations and cleanings while meeting AAHA standards with this fully updated form.

Nonanesthetic dentistry
AAHA does not consider nonanesthetic dentistry an appropriate procedure because of patient stress, risk of injury and aspiration, and lack of diagnostic capabilities. Because this procedure is intended to only clean the visible surface of the teeth, it provides the pet owner with a false sense of security.

To learn more from AAHA and the American Veterinary Dental College, click on the following links:

Dental and surgical instrument references
Companion-Animal Dental and Surgical Reference: This pocket reference guide can train your team to quickly identify, stock, and properly maintain the tools you use on a daily basis. Along with the instrument name and picture, this quick-access tool provides the purpose and features of surgical, dental, orthopedic, ophthalmologic, and other types of instruments.

Dental terminology – nomenclature 
Be sure you’re all on the same page by using consistent terminology from the American Veterinary Dental College when describing dental disease and treatments.

2013 Implementation Toolkit 
Review classic wisdom from this 2013 AAHA Dental Care Guidelines for Dogs and Cats booklet.

For pet owners

Don’t chew on this! 
Well-meaning pet owners can accidentally choose treats and chew-toys that can damage their pets’ teeth. Learn which items can be dangerous and which can actually improve dental health.

Dental Anesthesia pet health brochures
This best-selling brochure answers these client questions:

  • How does anesthesia make dental work possible for my pet?
  • Why is anesthesia necessary?
  • What special precautions are taken to protect my pet?

Your Pet’s Dental Care
Another best-selling brochure from AAHA that answers:

  • Why is dental care important for my pet?
  • What are the physical signs of dental disease?
  • What happens during an oral examination and dental cleaning?
  • Why is anesthesia necessary?
  • How can I take care of my pet’s teeth at home?

Healthy Mouth, Healthy Pet: Why Dental Care Matters
This timesaving visual exam room tool uses hundreds of images and illustrated charts to show clients precisely why high-quality dental care is needed for pets and the benefits it provides.

Understanding Your Pet’s Health: A Visual Guide
Think of this as the ultimate client education tool. It’s highly visual, written for laymen, and laminated for a long, well-thumbed lifetime of educating clients in the exam room.

Additional resources

On demand, RACE® approved continuing education:

Educational videos:

Other client education resources:

Hill’s ® Pet Nutrition Inc.

Veterinary Oral Health Council

World Small Animal Veterinary Association Global Dental Guidelines

These guidelines are supported by generous educational grants from Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health USA Inc., CareCredit, Hill’s® Pet Nutrition Inc., and Midmark

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