Section 9: Conclusion

Fluid administration is a cornerstone of therapy for many canine
and feline patients. Patients who need fluid supplementation require
a personalized fluid therapy plan that ensures administration of the
proper fluid at the appropriate rate and volume.

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Relying on a “one-rate-fits-most-patients” strategy in fluid therapy calculations is not only impractical but also potentially harmful. Understanding the differences between fluid types and their effects within the body’s fluid compartments is crucial, along with thoughtful, comprehensive patient assessment. Targeted fluid therapy prescriptions address each patient’s resuscitation, rehydration, and maintenance requirements. Fluid therapy also involves anticipating the changes in electrolytes and other biologic parameters that will occur as a result of fluid therapy and supplementing fluids or otherwise altering the treatment plan to prevent adverse effects. Diligent patient monitoring is essential to gauge therapeutic response, indicating when changes to fluid therapy plans are needed to optimize patient outcomes.

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