Beyond Medicine Workshop

Beyond the exam room, the surgical suite, and the hours studying the latest research, the challenges facing veterinary professionals have to do with running a business, collaborating with a team, and finding purpose in the daily work.

Beyond Medicine Workshop

Beyond Medicine Workshop

Veterinary medicine demands a lot, and a strong team is key to success. The Beyond Medicine Workshop goes beyond traditional clinical training. We recognize the challenges veterinary professionals face extend beyond the exam room, surgery, and research. They involve running a business, collaborating effectively, and finding daily fulfillment.

Empower Your Veterinary Team Through Mentorship: Attend the Upcoming Workshops!

Looking to create a thriving veterinary practice where every team member feels valued, supported, and empowered to reach their full potential? The Beyond Medicine Workshop is for you! This exclusive, FREE three-hour virtual workshop dives deep into the transformative power of mentorship in veterinary medicine. Led by industry experts James Desir, DVM, and Alyssa Mages, CVT, attendees will be equipped with the tools and strategies to cultivate a collaborative, inclusive, and supportive practice environment.

Why Attend the Beyond Medicine Workshop?

  • Understand the power of mentorship: Discover how nurturing mentor-mentee relationships can foster collaboration and inclusivity within your practice.
  • Unlock the potential of every team member: Learn how each team member, plays a vital role in the mentorship process.
  • Gain practical tools and strategies: The Beyond Medicine Workshop equips you with actionable steps to implement an effective mentorship program within your veterinary community.
  • Build a stronger, more engaged team: You can empower your team members to grow professionally and contribute their best work. certainly leading to a more successful and fulfilling practice experience for everyone.

Open to All Veterinary Team Members!

Veterinary professionals from all backgrounds and practice types are welcome to attend. Whether your practice is AAHA-accredited or not, this workshop is a valuable opportunity to gain insights and strategies for building a stronger team through mentorship.

Join us for one of the following workshop dates:

  • May 18th
  • June 1st
  • July 13th
  • August 3rd (all Saturdays)

Workshop Details:

  • Time: 9 am – 12:30 pm (Mountain Time)
  • Speakers: James Desir, DVM & Alyssa Mages, CVT
  • Sponsor: Chewy Health

Beyond Medicine Workshop | Mentorship

Beyond Medicine Workshop
Continuing Education

Beyond Medicine Workshop

Beyond Medicine Workshop
Continuing Education


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