Employee of the Month, June 2023

This month’s $500 prize winner is Heather Stitzel, RVT, of Edmond East Animal Hospital in Edmond, Oklahoma!

Heather Stitzel, RVT

Veterinary Technician

Edmond East Animal Hospital
Edmond, Oklahoma

Started in veterinary medicine: 2009

Years with practice: 1

Nominated by: Lori Voogt

Why Is Heather So Awesome?

Heather is dedicated to quality patient care and genuinely cares about the team’s morale. She is proactive in finding solutions and helping her team learn and be engaged. Her mentoring and leadership skills are instrumental in the quality care and service we provide to the animals and clients in our community.

How Does She Go Above and Beyond?

In addition to spearheading our hospital’s AAHA accreditation efforts, she is also a Registered Veterinary Technician, RECOVER BLS and ALS certified, a Karen Pryor Academy-Certified Training Partner, and she has a grooming certificate.

In Her Own Words

Why do you love your job?

Why do you love your job: In the veterinary field, each day brings something different. I enjoy the challenges of calming a fearful pet, handling the untouchable cat, providing nursing care to sick patients, educating new pet owners, helping to ease the pain owners face when saying that final goodbye and working with a group of smart, talented, funny, and compassionate professionals.

Each month AAHA spotlights, with generous support from CareCredit*, an AAHA member.

If you want to nominate someone, visit aaha.org/EOTM and they will be entered for a chance to win $500!!

See official rules here

Nominate your Employee of the Month at aaha.org/EOTM

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*The Employee of the Month contest is administered by AAHA.

Pets at home:

Three rescue dogs: Kobi (9-year-old pit mix), Luna (5-year-old papillon with microphthalmia), and Molly (13-year-old Chihuahua, who is super friendly and cuddly, and seeing eye dog to Luna).

What brought you to the profession?

I am a science nerd. I enjoy the challenges of a difficult medical case. The body is so complex, and when it isn’t working well, I enjoy using my skills to partner with our veterinarians and owners to help restore health.

Hobbies outside of work:

I enjoy getting together with two of my friends and creating pottery pieces. I love hiking with my husband of 28 years, Rick. Photographing random interesting pieces of the environment, scenery, mushrooms, plants, and animals is very therapeutic. Another hobby is traveling with family and finding new areas to explore, food to eat, and experiences to have.

Favorite book/TV show:

The children’s book The BFG, and anything by Shel Silverstein. My favorite TV shows are The Voice and The Wall.

Photo courtesy of Edmond East Animal Hospital



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