From the Editor

June is Pride month, and here at AAHA we are very proud to support all the efforts in our industry that move Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) forward. To that end, this issue is devoted to those efforts.

By Ben Williams

June is Pride month, and here at AAHA we are very proud to support all the efforts in our industry that move Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) forward. To that end, this issue is devoted to those efforts. Our cover story is on Teams of the Future. While I would love to believe that the flux capacitor (which makes time travel possible) is real, in reality, teams of the future are already in the making. These teams are diverse, tech-savvy, and cohesive—bonding through culture and technology to bring patient care and client service to 22nd century levels and beyond. Save the clock tower!*

Our second feature is on second languages, and their importance in bonding with clients and creating channels leading to greater compliance. As a bilingual person, I can personally appreciate the importance of this ability. When someone does not expect to be understood, and then all of a sudden is understood, you can literally see the power of language at work.

Another less obvious facet of DEIB has to do with the perception of what it means to dress in “professional attire.” When I first started at AAHA 15 years ago, male employees were expected to wear button down shirts and dress pants. Women were expected to wear skirts of a certain length and pantyhose. Now, most of us work remotely and wear t-shirts (or at least casual attire). In vet med, gone are the days when all doctors wear white lab coats. Now, many practitioners prefer scrubs, and tattoos and piercings are welcome expressions of personal body autonomy.

All are welcome in the new age of pride and inclusiveness. Welcome to the future!

Nominate Your Employee of the Month

Now, do us all a favor and head over to to nominate one of your co-workers for the Employee of the Month contest, and you could win $100 for yourself, and $400 for your nominee. There is no catch—it’s free to enter and you get free money!

Coming Next Month

In July we have articles on end-of-life care, an update on nutritional management of aerodigestive disorders, and information on treating exotics.

As always, let me know what you think at [email protected].

Ben William's Signature

*Please excuse my “Back to the Future” references; I can’t help it.



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