Get involved to better prepare graduates for practice

You are invited to join the Spectrum of Care Initiative Advisory Community (SOCI), which is seeking practitioners who work with a socioeconomically diverse clientele to help better prepare veterinary school graduates for the challenges of practice.

The American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC) is seeking practitioners who work with a socioeconomically diverse clientele to join the Spectrum of Care Initiative (SOCI).

This work focuses on helping veterinary colleges better prepare graduates to provide a wide range of services in the face of client financial constraints.

As a participant in AAVMC’s SOCI, you will be an official member of the Spectrum of Care Initiative Advisory Community. We aim to make your participation as easy as possible, given your busy schedules. Therefore, your participation will involve:

  1. Responding to occasional requests for feedback regarding the care options for common canine conditions and the knowledge and skills that students should be taught in veterinary colleges to prepare them to provide these options. 
  2. Attending the SOCI Advisory Community quarterly meetings (attendance is completely optional—we want to invite you to participate if it fits in your schedule).

Ready to get involved?

If you want a voice in how veterinary colleges prepare graduates for the realities of practice, please fill out the AAHA Practitioner Invitation to Advisory Community form to provide your contact information and you will receive more information about the project shortly.

You can also contact Dr. Julie Noyes at for more information. We very much look forward to hearing your valuable perspective!

Photo credit: © ajijchan E+ via Getty Images Plus

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